Wednesday, December 6, 2006

re: Nov 29 post

Last night I got a health insurance reimbursement check. This morning I was reading the NYT Neediest Cases article today about a couple, earning very little money and struggling with major health problems. The article talked about how they married even though they both had very little money because they loved each other.

I thought again about how I -mistakenly- took the practical but not very heartfelt advice of my friend who urged me to partially evaluate the girl I was dating on the basis of how much she earned. The really loving thing to do would have been to hold her close to my heart and know that she was financially independent, so the actual number was really unimportant so we could work it out, right?

I sent a hefty donation and explained that I was making amends for judging her so harshly and wrongly, and because I realized how much I had in comparison to the couple I read about. May I continue to be grateful for what I have and use it for the highest possible good, instead of begrudging others for what I don't have.

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